Chores for 10 Year Olds

Chores for 10 year olds

As parents and caregivers, we understand the importance of instilling responsibility and independence in our children from a young age. Chores not only help maintain a clean and organized home but also play a crucial role in teaching valuable life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.

At the age of 10, children are eager to take on new challenges and demonstrate their capabilities. This is the perfect time to introduce them to age-appropriate chores that match their growing skills and abilities. By involving them in household tasks, we empower them to contribute meaningfully to the family and develop a sense of accomplishment.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a wide range of chores suitable for 10-year-olds, divided by different areas of the house. From the kitchen to the bedroom, the living room to the outdoor spaces, we’ll provide you with a list of tasks that strike a balance between fostering independence and ensuring their safety.

Our aim is to create a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your child while establishing routines that promote discipline and organization. Remember, every child is unique, and these suggestions can be adjusted to suit individual abilities and preferences.

So, let’s embark on this journey of growth and learning together, as we equip our 10-year-olds with essential life skills, nurturing responsible habits that will shape their future success!

Chore List for 10 Year Olds

Here are some age appropriate chores for a 10 year old:


  • Wiping down low surfaces like tables and chairs.
  • Sweeping the floor.
  • Loading and unloading the dishwasher (if safe and with supervision).
  • Setting and clearing the table.
  • Helping with meal preparation under adult supervision (e.g., washing vegetables or stirring ingredients).
  • Assisting with grocery unpacking and organizing pantry items.
  • Cleaning out the refrigerator (with guidance to handle items safely).
  • Learning to make simple recipes like sandwiches.


  • Wiping down sinks and countertops.
  • Cleaning the bathroom mirror.
  • Organizing and restocking toiletries.
  • Sweeping the bathroom floor.
  • Putting away clean towels.
  • Emptying trash bins and replacing the liner.
  • Learning to replace items like toilet rolls and hand soap.


  • Making their bed.
  • Organizing toys and books.
  • Dusting low furniture and surfaces.
  • Putting dirty clothes in the laundry hamper.
  • Helping with folding and putting away clean laundry.
  • Vacuuming their room (if a light vacuum is available).
  • Changing bed linens (with help to start learning the process).

Living Room:

  • Dusting low furniture and surfaces.
  • Straightening up pillows and cushions.
  • Sweeping or vacuuming (under adult supervision).
  • Putting away toys and games.
  • Helping to organize bookshelves or entertainment units.
  • Wiping electronic screens and devices with safe cleaners.

Dining Area:

  • Setting and clearing the table.
  • Sweeping or vacuuming (under adult supervision).
  • Dusting low furniture and surfaces.
  • Polishing silverware or glassware (with non-hazardous materials).
  • Helping to decorate the table for family meals or special occasions.

Laundry Room:

  • Assisting with sorting clothes for laundry (color sorting, etc.).
  • Folding and putting away their clothes.
  • Helping with putting laundry detergent in the washing machine (if safe and with supervision).
  • Learning to operate the washing machine or dryer with guidance (setting up simple wash cycles).
  • Sorting out clothes needing repair or special care (like hand washing or dry cleaning).


  • Dusting low surfaces.
  • Sweeping (under adult supervision).

Outdoor Areas:

  • Watering plants (under adult supervision).
  • Raking leaves.
  • Sweeping outdoor spaces like patios or porches.
  • Helping with light gardening tasks (e.g., weeding flower beds).
  • Assisting with more involved gardening tasks like planting or mulching (under supervision).
  • Cleaning or organizing storage areas like sheds.


  • Putting away their shoes and backpack in designated areas.
  • Dusting low surfaces.


  • Organizing and tidying up their toys and belongings in the garage.
  • Assisting with simple tasks like holding tools (under adult supervision).

Always supervise and instruct the child on how to perform chores safely and appropriately. Remember that children develop at different rates, so adjust the complexity of the chores based on the individual child’s capabilities and maturity. Encouraging kids to take on age-appropriate chores not only helps in maintaining the house but also teaches them responsibility and valuable life skills.

Chore Charts for 10 Year Olds

We offer a selection of free printable and customizable chore chart templates for 10 year olds.

Chore Charts for 10 Year Olds

Chore Wheel

chore wheelCreate this DIY personalized chore wheel. You can customize it online before you print it. Type in your family name and the chores that you want to allocate and then print and assemble according to the instructions.

It’s a fun and fair way to delegate chores!

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