Emotion Code Chart

How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Love and Happiness

The emotion code chart

The Emotion Code (2007) by Dr. Bradley Nelson offers a new and empowering approach to healing ourselves and others. The Emotion Code explains how our bodies and our emotions are made out of energy, and that energy can get stuck in us and have a negative impact on our well-being. It offers a revolutionary method for finding and releasing these trapped emotions. It is based on scientific evidence, firsthand experience, and energetic and spiritual forces. Once these trapped emotions are released, we can get rid of the obstacles that were preventing us from feeling good and living our best life.

What is the Purpose of the Emotion Code

Our emotions impact our experience, thoughts, and reactions. Emotional patterns can have a direct impact on our well-being. Emotional baggage holds us back from reaching our potential. Most of the methods that deal with emotions don’t deal with the problem at its root as does the Emotion Code.

The Emotion Code will help you locate and release trapped emotions, so that you clear the path for healthier and more positive emotions. It will help you prevent emotions from getting stuck within you and replace negative emotions with positive ones.

The Emotion Code Chart

An Emotion Code Chart has six rows and two columns with 5 emotions in each section (with a total of 60 emotions). Each row corresponds with specific areas of the body where trapped emotions can affect function and performance.

The Emotion Code Chart

How to Use The Emotion Code Chart to Release Emotions

The Emotion Code allows us to reroute our current emotional experience. It isn’t easy to reroute emotions but with practice, it can make a huge impact on your happiness and well-being.

Imagine you spent a long time preparing something and were very happy with the result. When you showed it to someone they were very critical of your work. This brought up a negative reaction in you. This negative emotion could take over you, and it could eventually be stored as a trapped emotion. However, the author offers another option.

  1. Honor the feeling. Breathe into the sensation. Allow yourself to honor the feeling. It is important to do this in order to process it in a healthy way. Accept that it’s occurring for a reason.
  2. Identify the feeling. Try to figure out exactly what it is that you’re feeling. Consult the Emotion Code chart to clearly identify the feeling. In this example, it could be rejection.
  • Ask yourself, “Is the trapped emotion in column A or B? Follow your gut instinct.
  • Is the trapped emotion in an odd or an even row? Look out for muscle reactions. Your muscles will respond to let you know the answer to the question (see an explanation below).
  • If it’s in an odd row, ask if it is in row 1, 3 or 5.
  • If it’s in an even row, ask if it is in row 2, 4 or 6.
  • Continue until you’ve identified all the trapped emotions your body will allow.
  1. If that doesn’t help then try using the sway test or muscle testing described below or in detail in the Emotion Code book.
  2. Analyze the feeling. Once you have identified the feeling, analyze it. What triggered it? Are there trapped emotions that are amplifying it? For example, you might have had a similar experience in the past when someone important in your life was critical of something you did.
  3. Locate the trapped emotion.
  4. Release the trapped emotion. Release the trapped emotion by sliding your hand or a magnet down your back or over your head 3 times. 10 times if the emotion is inherited.
  5. Test if it was successfully released. Breathe deeply and then test yourself to see if there are still feelings occurring. If so, repeat the process until you have cleared all associated emotions.
  6. Thank your subconscious mind. After releasing the trapped emotions, thank your subconscious mind for guiding you.
  7. Choose a positive emotional resonance to replace your feeling with. For example, you could replace rejection with curiosity, asking if and how you could improve your work.

What are trapped emotions?

Emotions come and pass. However, they can also get trapped inside of us and continue to impact our thoughts, feelings, and health without our awareness.

When we experience an emotion, our body creates an emotional vibration (such as the vibration of anger, sadness, or happiness). Then, we begin to feel the emotion, as well as the thoughts and physical sensations that accompany it.

This process either lasts for a split second or carries on for much longer. In a healthy emotional life cycle, we let the emotion go and move on. However, sometimes emotions get trapped. This happens when we bottle up emotions instead of processing them or if you didn’t truly let go it.

The average person has over 100 trapped emotions and we aren’t usually even aware of them. Trapped emotions can often be traced back to relationship problems, criticism, rejection, negative self-talk, loss, or even stress.

The key to well-being is learning to listen to your subconscious

Modern Western medicine often deals with the symptoms of pain instead of treating it at its root. If you have a headache, you take a pill which stops the pain temporarily but doesn’t treat the problem at its root. When we experience pain, it’s our body sending us a signal that something is wrong. By paying attention to our pain and finding the true source of it, we’re able to truly cure ourselves.

How do you use the Emotion Code Method

You can locate Emotion Code practitioners who use the Emotion Code method to help people release trapped emotions. These practitioners have treated thousands of clients whose physical pain was alleviated by releasing a trapped emotion.

How do they do this?

Dr. Bradley Nelson suggests using muscle testing to identify and release our trapped emotions. Muscle testing was developed by Dr. George Goodheart in the 1960s, in order to correct structural imbalance in the skeleton. However, it was quickly discovered that it offered additional benefits such as the opportunity to get information directly from the subconscious mind.

The idea behind muscle testing is that the subconscious mind knows things that the conscious mind may not be aware of. By asking a person questions and then testing their body’s responses, we can gain insight into deeper issues that they might not be consciously aware of.

There are different ways to use muscle testing to identify trapped emotions.

For example, if your muscle weakens after you ask a question, the answer to your question is “No”. If it tenses, the answer is “Yes”.

Your body’s sway can also unlock insight into your subconscious mind. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a few deep breaths in order to relax completely and try to clear your mind. Then, state your name. Your body should sway forward within a few seconds. Then try lying about your name. Within a few seconds, your body will sway backward. I tried this and it actually works.

Now that you have established a reliable baseline for testing, you can use it to get a better understanding of your subconscious. Firstly, ask yourself, “Do I have a trapped emotion?” You will most likely sway forward. If you don’t, it’s probably because of a block in your system. The Emotional Code book goes into different methods to use in this case.

Assuming you sway forward, you can now follow the Emotion Code chart and begin to locate trapped emotions by asking where they’re stored and what they are.

There are additional methods such as the Ring-in-Ring method, the Elbow Test, and more

Once you have discovered WHERE the emotion is trapped, use yes or no questions, to figure out WHEN the emotion was trapped. Keep asking yourself questions until you get to the answers.

How do you locate and release negative energy?

Since our body is actually built out of energy, it requires healthy energy in order to achieve a healthy mind and body.

Trapped emotions impact how we think, feel, and react, often without our awareness. The author compares them to balls of energy stuck in our bodies. They are powerful, invisible forces but they impact how we think, feel, and react.

These trapped emotions can also cause us to overreact to situations. This new situation might be blown out of proportion by a trapped emotion. For example, the author gave the example of a trapped emotion of helplessness that caused a fear of flying. Once the trapped emotion was released the phobia was cured. Another example, is when a comment or innocent remark made by someone causes you to totally overreact because you were being ruled by a trapped emotion.

Often, we feel and act in the present as a result of energetic blockages in the past. The Emotion Code was developed to release these blocks. The longer these blocks stay in us, the more damage they can cause (both mentally and physically). Therefore, it is important for us to clear these trapped emotions.

The reason trapped emotions cause physical pain is that these balls of energy are located in the body, and their energy influences the tissue around them.

Ancient physicians observed a correlation between certain emotions and accompanying physical issues. For example, people who felt a lot of anger often suffered from liver or gallbladder trouble, while people who felt a lot of grief had lung or colon problems.

The Emotion Code method explains that we store certain emotions in specific areas. See the Emotion Code Chart above. The Emotion Code Chart helps you locate the trapped emotion and the corresponding area of the body.

The emotion code chart should be used by a certified practitioner trained to locate parts of the body affected by trapped emotions and then identify which emotions are trapped.

How do you release the trapped emotion?

Believe it or not, but one of the most powerful tools for releasing a trapped emotion is a simple refrigerator magnet.

Once you have located a trapped emotion and discovered when and where it was stored, it is time to release it. Since trapped emotions are built of energy, they can be released with an equal and opposite energy wave. This energy must collide with it so that it can be washed away. This is similar to the technology used in noise-canceling headphones. They sense the frequency of external sound waves and produce the opposite frequency in order to level the sound waves out.

When it comes to releasing emotions, a simple refrigerator magnet is the perfect tools to help create this counter energy. Once you have located the trapped emotion, slide a magnet down the back or over the head 3 times or 10 times if the emotion is inherited. Keep doing this until the trapped emotion is released.

About the Author of the Emotion Code

Dr. Bradley Nelson is a renowned holistic practitioner and lecturer who has worked with thousands of clients. He is widely recognized as the foremost expert in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology.

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