Chores for 13 Year Olds

Chores for 13 year olds

13 year olds are becoming independent young adults. Chores are a good way to teach them responsibility and independence. Some of the chores listed below can be too difficult for some kids. In such a case, it’s better for the parents to decide on what tasks the child should be doing.

Some examples of chores that might be challenging for some children are caring for pets or doing yard work. While other jobs like washing dishes or taking out the trash are simple enough and great ways to break them into the routine of household work. If your 13 year old is not yet ready to take on full responsibility for taking care of a pet you can supervise or check with them to ensure that they fed the pet or did whatever they were supposed to do. Some 13 years won’t need to be reminded at all. It all depends on the child and flexibility is the key.

This is a standard chore list for teens. However, keep in mind that each child is unique and not all 13 year olds are ready for all chores on the list.

Chore List for 13 Year Olds

Here are some age appropriate chores for a 13 year old:


  • Make the bed each morning.
  • Keep the bedroom tidy and organized.
  • Put dirty clothes in the laundry hamper.
  • Clean their own bedroom
  • Change their bedding
  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures (with a step stool and under supervision).
  • Organize personal items like stationery and school supplies.


  • Help with laundry by sorting clothes and folding them.
  • Learn to operate the washing machine and dryer (under adult supervision).
  • Load and transfer the laundry
  • Put away clean clothes in their designated places.
  • Fold clean laundry
  • Learn to sew on buttons and make minor repairs to clothing.
  • Sort laundry by fabric type and color, and manage more complex laundry settings.


  • Clear the table after meals.
  • Load and unload the dishwasher.
  • Wipe down kitchen surfaces and appliances.
  • Clean up after a meal
  • Set the dining table
  • Make a snack or simple meal
  • Dry dishes
  • Clean the microwave and other small appliances.

 Meal Preparation: 

  • Assist with simple meal preparation (with adult supervision).
  • Make their own breakfast and lunch when possible.
  • Help with meal prepping including simple cutting or peeling ingredients
  • Bake cookies with supervision
  • Prepare simple food such as scrambled or boiled eggs
  • Organize the pantry or kitchen cabinets.

 Trash and Recycling: 

  • Take out the trash and recycling regularly.
  • Keep the area around the trash cans clean.
  • Clean and disinfect trash cans.
  • Manage household recycling system more efficiently.


  • Help with pet care, such as walking (if applicable).
  • Feed pets
  • Wash pets and clean up after them
  • Brush and walk a dog
  • Clean cat litter box
  • Train pets on simple commands or tricks

 Yard Work / Outdoors: 

  • Mow the lawn (if the child is capable and with proper guidance and supervision).
  • Water plants and garden.
  • Rake leaves
  • Plant flowers
  • Pull garden weeds
  • Bring in the mail
  • Sweep porches
  • Trim hedges
  • Bring garbage cans to the driveway or curb
  • Assist in planning and executing small landscaping projects.
  • Wash the car with supervision.
  • Maintain garden tools and equipment.


  • Dust surfaces around the house.
  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Clean bathroom
  • Vacuum or sweep the floor
  • Empty small trash cans and take out trash
  • Wipe the sinks
  • Shine mirrors in the bathroom
  • Clean the stovetop
  • Maintain tidiness of own room
  • Straighten family and playroom
  • Set and clear dinner table without assistance
  • Organize an entire room
  • Vacuum the entire floor
  • Clean out fridge
  • Clean windows inside and out (where safe).
  • Manage household inventory of cleaning supplies.
  • Deep clean specific areas or appliances, like the oven.


  • Help organize shelves and closets.
  • Arrange books, toys, and belongings neatly.
  • Strip bed linens once a week
  • Sort recycling
  • Pack bag for school without being told to do so


  • Accompany parents on simple errands (e.g., grocery shopping) and assist as needed.
  • Unpack groceries
  • Grocery shopping with a shopping list under supervision


  • Help dress a younger child
  • Entertain a younger sibling
  • Help younger siblings with homework
  • Babysit younger siblings while parents are at home
  • Follow screen time rules and restrictions set by parents.
  • Help with setting up and cleaning up electronic devices.

 Self Care: 

  • Independently floss their teeth
  • Set alarm clock and be responsible for waking up on time
  • Fully accountable for self-hygiene
  • Complete manageable homework unaided
  • Plan and prepare a healthy weekly snack menu.

The chore list can be tailored to fit your child’s capabilities, interests, and family dynamics. It’s essential to communicate with your 13-year-old about their responsibilities and the importance of completing chores as part of contributing to the household. Offer praise and encouragement for a job well done, as positive reinforcement can help motivate them to take ownership of their tasks.

Chores for 13-year-olds to earn money

See Jobs for 13 year Olds

Your 13-year-old might be eager to start earning money and might want to do chores for money. I think that this is a great idea. It makes them feel more independent and helps them understand the value of money.

I have a set chore list that each child is required to complete before they can do chores for money. However, when they finish their chores they have additional chores they can do to earn money.

Below you will find a list of jobs for 13 years for money. They can either do these jobs at home or for others.

Chore Charts for 13 Year Olds

We offer a selection of free printable and customizable chore chart templates for 13 year olds.

Chore Charts for 13 Year Olds

Jobs for 13 year Olds

Finding traditional employment can be challenging for 13-year-olds due to labor laws and restrictions. However, there are still several ways you can earn money at this age. Here are some job ideas for 13-year-olds that pay:

  • Babysitting: Many parents are comfortable hiring responsible 13-year-olds to look after their children for short periods under their supervision. Taking a babysitting course can help you learn valuable skills and build trust with parents.
  • Dog walking: Offer your services as a dog walker for neighbors or family friends who have busy schedules and need assistance with exercising their pets.
  • Pet sitting: Take care of pets while their owners are away. This can include feeding them, walking them, and providing companionship.
  • Yard work: Offer to mow lawns, rake leaves, shovel snow, or water plants for neighbors. Ensure that you have the proper equipment and follow safety guidelines.
  • Household chores: Help with household tasks like cleaning, organizing, washing dishes, or doing laundry for busy families or elderly individuals.
  • Car washing: Offer to wash cars for neighbors, family members, or friends. You can include services like exterior washing, interior cleaning, and window cleaning.
  • Garage or yard sale assistance: Help organize and set up garage or yard sales for people in your neighborhood. You can assist with pricing items, arranging displays, and managing transactions.
  • Lemonade stand: Set up a lemonade stand in your neighborhood on warm days. Make sure to check local regulations and get the necessary permissions.
  • Arts and crafts: If you have artistic skills, create and sell handmade crafts, jewelry, or artwork. You can sell them at local craft fairs or through online platforms.
  • Holiday decorating: Help decorate homes for special occasions like Christmas, Halloween, or birthdays. You can assist with putting up lights, setting up decorations, and taking them down afterwards.
  • Elderly assistance: Offer to provide companionship and assistance to elderly individuals in your community. This can include reading to them, going for walks, helping with light housework, or simply offering conversation and company.
  • Car detailing: Provide car detailing services, which can include washing, waxing, vacuuming, and cleaning the interior of vehicles. You can offer your services to neighbors, family members, or friends.
  • Event support: Assist with setting up and organizing events, such as birthday parties, community gatherings, or school functions. This can involve decorating, setting up tables and chairs, or serving refreshments.
  • Artistic services: If you have artistic skills, offer services such as creating custom artwork, designing logos or flyers, or painting murals. You can promote your services locally or online.
  • Online tasks: Offer assistance with online tasks like data entry, content editing, social media management, or research. Many small businesses and individuals are often in need of such services.
  • Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, offer tutoring services to younger students who need help with their schoolwork. You can focus on subjects like math, science, or English.
  • Grocery shopping: Help elderly or busy individuals with their grocery shopping by taking their list, going to the store, and delivering the groceries to their home.
  • Tech assistance: If you’re tech-savvy, offer your skills to help with tasks like setting up devices, troubleshooting computer problems, or teaching basic computer skills to older adults.
  • Laundry assistance: Offer to do laundry for busy families or individuals. This can include sorting clothes, loading the washing machine, folding and putting away clothes, and ironing if you’re comfortable doing so.
  • Errand running: Assist busy individuals by running errands for them, such as picking up groceries, dropping off packages, or going to the post office.
  • Cleaning out the garage or attic: Offer to help people declutter and organize their garages, attics, or storage spaces. This can involve sorting items, dusting, sweeping, and organizing.
  • Yard work: Offer to mow lawns, rake leaves, pull weeds, or water plants for neighbors or family friends.
  • Garden maintenance: Help with gardening tasks such as planting flowers, weeding, watering plants, pruning bushes, or spreading mulch. You can offer your services to neighbors or local businesses.
  • Pet care: Provide services like dog walking, pet feeding, or pet sitting for people in your community who need help with their pets.
  • Babysitting: Take a babysitting course to learn basic skills and safety guidelines, and then offer your services to parents who need a responsible and reliable babysitter.
  • Cleaning: Offer to clean houses or help with household chores like vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, or organizing closets for busy families or elderly individuals.

Remember to check with your parents or guardians and local regulations regarding any specific rules or permits needed for the jobs you choose. It’s important to prioritize safety, be responsible, and provide quality services to build a good reputation. Always ensure that the tasks you undertake are safe and within your capabilities. Also, discuss the payment details upfront with the person hiring you.

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