Chores for 4 Year Olds

Chores for 4 year olds

According to research (source: AACAP), when 4 year olds participate in household tasks, they may exhibit higher self-esteem, be more responsible, and be better equipped to deal with frustration, adversity, and delayed gratification. These skills can lead to greater success in school, work, and relationships.

Four year olds are starting to become more and more independent and less reliant on you for basic tasks. They want to feel “big” and capable. If they have older siblings then they will probably want to do whatever their siblings do. They will be anxious to help at home to make them feel more independent and capable. You can give them some minor responsibilities as long as the chore is age-appropriate. They cannot lift anything heavy or anything that will break. They should also not be given anything dangerous. Any chore they do will probably need to be redone but the point is to get them started and develop good habits. It will pay off when they are older. It will take longer to show them how to do something than to do it yourself but at this age the point is not to get them to help you but rather to develop good habits and prepare them for these skills when they are older. It will pay off eventually.

Chores can actually help them establish structure and routine.

Any chore that you ask your 4-year-old to do should be compatible with their developmental level both physical and mental. Ask them to do things that they are capable of doing so that when they complete the chores they will get to feel like they accomplished something. If the task is too hard it will be discouraging. When they complete the task make them feel like they have done a good job. Praise and encourage them.

Chore List for 4 Year Olds

Here are some age appropriate chores for a 4 year old:

  • Discard trash away
  • Store toys in a toy container
  • Place books on the shelf
  • Assist with table setting
  • Deliver light objects
  • Pick up blanket or pillow from the floor
  • Dust shelves or boards
  • Straighten bed sheets and tidying up pillows
  • Put clothes away in a hamper
  • Get dressed
  • Put on shoes
  • Brush teeth, wash face and brush their hair
  • Tidy up properly after play
  • Wipe down play table
  • Clean up small rubbish or paper scraps
  • Wipe small spills
  • Load and transfer the laundry
  • Pack their bag for school
  • Help sort the laundry
  • Help find matching socks
  • Load non breakable dishes in the dishwasher with your supervision.

Chore Chart for 4 Year Old

We offer free printable chores charts with pictures that you can upload. Since 4 year olds cannot yet read you can add photos that will describe each chore or task.

chore chart with photos

Chore Charts for 4 Year Olds

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