Chores for 6 Year Olds

Chores for 6 year olds

Chores for 6-year-olds should be simple and age-appropriate, focusing on fostering responsibility, independence, and basic life skills. The specific chores can vary based on the child’s abilities, but here are some common examples of chores suitable for 6-year-olds. See a sample chore list for 6 year olds below.

  • Cleaning their room: Encourage them to tidy up toys, books, and clothes. They can make their bed (even if it’s not perfect) and put away their belongings.
  • Setting the table: Teach them how to place utensils, plates, and napkins on the table before meals. They can learn how to set the table and put a plate and utensils for everyone in the family on the table. They can put some lighter items such as salt and pepper shakers and the salad dressing on the table too.
  • Clearing the table: After meals, they can help gather dishes and take them to the kitchen sink or dishwasher. You can have the child help you load and unload a dishwasher. They may need some help in getting everything to fit in properly.
  • Feeding pets: If you have pets, they can assist with feeding and providing water to them under adult supervision.
  • Putting away groceries: They can help place non-breakable items like canned goods or fruits in the pantry or refrigerator.
  • Watering plants: If you have indoor plants or a small garden, they can water them with a small watering can.
  • Folding laundry: Show them how to fold simple items like towels, washcloths, or socks.
  • Dusting: Provide them with a soft cloth or duster to help clean low furniture and surfaces.
  • Organizing toys and games: Teach them to organize toys and games after playtime. Once they are done playing they can learn to put their toys away. They should be responsible for their own items and need to learn the importance of picking them up once they are done playing.
  • Helping with meal prep: For safe tasks, they can assist in washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or setting out ingredients.
  • Making their lunch/snack: With guidance, they can put together simple snacks or pack their lunch for school.
  • Throwing away trash: They can be responsible for disposing of their trash in appropriate bins.
  • Making their bed: The child can also learn how to make their bed so they do it correctly. You may need to show them how to do this a few times before they catch on.

Supervision and guidance are crucial when assigning chores to 6-year-olds, and tasks should be adjusted based on their individual capabilities and maturity levels. Make chores fun and engaging to encourage their participation and create a sense of accomplishment. Praising their efforts will also boost their motivation and confidence.

Chore List for 6-Year-Olds

Here are some age-appropriate chores for a 6-year-old:

Kitchen Chores:

  • Setting the Table: Let your child help set the table for meals, including placing utensils, napkins, and cups.
  • Washing Fruits and Vegetables: Show them how to wash fruits and vegetables under your supervision.
  • Simple Food Prep: Allow them to assist in simple food preparation tasks, such as spreading butter on bread or cutting soft fruits with a plastic knife.
  • Stirring Ingredients: Let them stir ingredients (e.g., pancake batter, cookie dough) with a child-friendly whisk or spoon.
  • Pouring Drinks: Teach them to pour water or other non-hot beverages into their cups.
  • Wiping Surfaces: Show them how to use a damp cloth to wipe down low kitchen surfaces, like the dining table.
  • Loading/Unloading Dishwasher: If you have a child-safe dishwasher, they can help load or unload dishes under supervision.
  • Fetching Items from Low Shelves: Have them fetch non-breakable items from lower shelves or drawers.
  • Recycling Assistance: Involve them in sorting recyclables and placing them in the recycling bin.
  • Sweeping Crumbs: With a small broom and dustpan, they can help sweep up crumbs from the kitchen floor.
  • Cleaning Spills: Show them how to clean up small spills with a sponge or paper towels.
  • Feeding Pets: If you have pets, they can assist in feeding them with your supervision.

Bedroom Chores:

  • Make the Bed: Teach your child to straighten their bedsheet and arrange their pillows neatly in the morning.
  • Put Away Clothes: Show them how to fold and put away their clean clothes in the proper drawers or closet.
  • Organize Toys: Encourage your child to pick up and arrange their toys and games in designated places.
  • Pick Up Clutter: Help them tidy up any clutter or misplaced items in their bedroom.
  • Dust Surfaces: Show them how to use a soft cloth or duster to dust low surfaces, such as shelves and desks.
  • Arrange Books: Assist them in organizing their books on shelves, so they’re easily accessible.
  • Laundry Helper: If their hamper is in the bedroom, they can bring their dirty clothes to the laundry area.
  • Water Plants: If there are small indoor plants in their room, they can water them with your guidance.
  • Hang Up Towels: If they have a towel rack in their bathroom, they can hang up their used towels after bathing.
  • Keep Floor Clear: Teach them to keep the bedroom floor clear of toys, clothes, and other items.


  • Dusting low surfaces
  • Water indoor plants (with supervision)


  • Water outdoor plants (with supervision)
  • Sweep leaves or debris from the patio or porch
  • Help with gardening tasks (e.g., planting seeds, pulling weeds)
  • Feed the pets (if you have any)
  • Collect mail or newspaper from the mailbox


  • Sort laundry (colors vs. whites)
  • Fold and put away clean clothes (assistance may be required)
  • Help load or unload the washing machine (under supervision)
  • Load and transfer the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer


  • Wipe down low surfaces (e.g., kitchen counters, coffee tables)
  • Help with washing dishes (carefully, with adult supervision)
  • Sweep small areas with a child-sized broom
  • Vacuum or sweep the floor
  • Wipe the sink after brushing their teeth


  • Assist in organizing their toys and belongings
  • Arrange books on shelves
  • Help sort and recycle items (e.g., paper, plastic)
  • Pack bag for school


  • Help carry light grocery bags (under supervision)
  • Accompany parents on short trips to the store
  • Unpack groceries from shopping bags

Pet Care:

  • Assist with feeding and watering pets (under supervision)
  • Help with pet grooming (e.g., brushing fur)

Personal Hygiene:

  • Brush teeth twice a day
  • Get dressed independently
  • Help pack their own school bag or daycare items
  • Put on shoes
  • Wash their face
  • Brush their hair


  • Pick up litter from the yard or neighborhood (with adult supervision)
  • Participate in donation activities (e.g., gather clothes or toys for donation)

Children at this age may need reminders and occasional help with some chores. Make it a positive and fun experience, and gradually increase their responsibilities as they get more comfortable with their tasks.

Remember, safety is essential when involving children with chores, particularly in the kitchen. Always supervise them closely, especially when using sharp tools or near hot surfaces. Use child-friendly utensils and appliances, and teach them about kitchen safety rules. Make sure they understand the importance of handwashing before handling food and after handling pets. Kitchen chores can be a great way to introduce them to basic cooking skills and instill a sense of responsibility and independence. Praise their efforts and accomplishments to encourage them to take an active role in household tasks.

What if your six-year-old cannot do these chores?

It is important that you find chores around the home that the child is able to do based on their physical and mental abilities. From a young age, a child should learn how to put away their toys. If your child is struggling there are some things that you can do to help them. You need to model the chore for them so they know what is expected of them and how to do it. You can also adapt the chore to help them complete it. The child can give it their best then you can look it over and make corrections as needed. You can have them assist you with certain tasks. You need to adapt the chores based on their age and their unique needs.

If your child is capable of many different chores then you can allow them to choose their chores from the chore list below. According to Child development specialists Carla Poole, Susan A. Miller, Ed.D., and Ellen Booth Church, six-year-old children are becoming more conscious of decision making. They enjoy this responsibility and take it very seriously. Let them choose chores from among those you consider to be age-appropriate and acceptable chores for their age and their specific capabilities.

Chore Charts for 6 Year Olds

We offer a selection of free printable and customizable chore chart templates for 6 year olds.

Chore Charts for 6 Year Olds

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