BMX Charts

Behavior Charts with BMXBMX Reward, Chore and Behavior Charts

These charts were requested by Kristy for her son who like BMX bikes. If there are any reward charts that you would like us to make for you then please leave a comment.

10 Stage BMX Chart

Can be used as a behavior chart, chore chart, reward chart or sticker chart to target a single behavior. Suitable for young kids.

BMX Behavior Chart

15 Step Chart

Can be used as a behavior chart, chore chart, reward chart or sticker chart to target a single behavior

Sticker chart

Weekly Chart

Can be used as a weekly behavior chart, chore chart template, reward chart or sticker chart. Add a chore list or list of things that you expect your child to do in the chart (for example, say please and thank you, make your bed, do homework etc).

Printable chore chart

Do you need to buy your child a new bike? Why not give him some chores to do in return. If he feels like he earned the bike he will appreciate it more and understand the importance of setting and reaching goals. Everyone will benefit!

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