Toddler Behavior Chart

reward charts for toddlers

Free toddler behavior chart printable templates. 

Free 10 Step Reward Charts

A selection of free printable reward charts for toddlers and younger kids with 10 steps. For older kids you can find other charts on this site with 15 or 20 steps or weekly charts. Reward charts with only 10 steps are perfect for toddlers and young children who cannot understand the concept of time and cannot continue the reward process for too long. They are also used to target specific behaviors or deal with one particular issue. Choose a design that your child likes from this page or any other reward chart from this site. 

Reward Charts for Kids

Printable RewardChart with
Sportacus from Lazy Town

Reward Chart with 10 steps

Free Toddler Behavior Chart

A toddler behavior chart should not have more than 10 steps. Toddlers have a shorter attention span and need to see results sooner than older children. 10 step charts are used for toddlers, younger kids and kids that need short term goals. 

Racing Car Behavior Charts

Racing car
Behavior chart with racing car

Fairy and Princess Charts

Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder

Coloring Sticker Charts



Bob the Builder coloring chart

Bob the Builder


The Bee movie incentive chart

The Bee Movie

sticker chart with a picture of a lion playing with a ball and a group of animals

This is only a small sample of the sticker charts available. You will find many more on the site.

Toddler Reward Charts

Reward charts can be used to transform your toddler’s behavior almost immediately!

What are Reward Charts?

Reward charts are charts that are used to recognize good behavior. Good behavior is marked on the reward chart with a sticker or mark. Once the toddler has received the required number of stickers he or she receives a reward.

Why do Reward Charts work?

Toddlers love to be praised and reward charts remind you to praise them on a regular basis. Positive reinforcement is the best way to promote good behavior. Reward charts provide toddlers with positive reinforcement each time they behave in the desired way. Reward charts help both toddlers and their parents overcome negative behavior and encourage positive behavior.

How are Reward Charts Used for Toddlers?

  1. Toddlers should choose a reward chart with 10 steps only.
  2. Download and print the chosen reward chart. You can either choose a colored Reward Chart or choose one of our black and white reward charts which your toddler can color.
  3. Define “good behavior” and explain this to your toddler. Try to make it as simple as possible and try to address one issue only. Toddlers cannot focus on too many issues.
  4. Acknowledge the desired behavior with a star or sticker and praise.
  5. When all the stickers are received acknowledge the achievement with a small gift.

If you feel that your toddler is not really understanding the process and method, you might need to wait a few months and try again.

How to make a toddler chore chart

  1. Select a chart template from one of the designs above.
  2. Explain to your child which chore you are going to track. Since toddlers cannot read there is no need to add a chore list.
  3. Each time a chore is completed mark a number on the chore chart.
  4. When your child has completed 10 chores congratulate her and tell her how proud you are of her. Tell her how grown up she is and what a wonderful job she did!

This is a very small sample of the 10 step charts on this site. You can find more free behavior charts if you look around the site.

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